Happy Plastic Free July!
Posted on July 09 2020
It's Plastic Free July! What are you doing to go plastic free?
The statistics are frightening: it takes a plastic bottle 450 years to break down in the ocean, & 600 years for fishing line to break down in the ocean. If we want to preserve our oceans for generations to come we have to think about the long-term effect of each and every one of our actions. Sure, it may be more convenient to grab that plastic water bottle, but then our environment feels the weight of that decision for 450 years - long after we are gone!
Here at E-Ko Beach Life, we are not only evaluating our personal decisions in order to combat this crisis. We are harnessing the power of business to turn the tide on this plastic wave.
To guide your own journey through plastic free July, check out https://www.plasticfreejuly.org/ . Follow us @ekobeachlife on Instagram and Facebook to stay updated with eco-friendly tips and updates throughout Plastic Free July.